| | | | | | | | | 2022 ANNUAL REPORT | | | | | | | | |
Framing the Future
From Our Leaders
Ready for Tomorrow,
The pace of change is accelerating.
Not so long ago, self-driving cars, cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence seemed like far-fetched fantasies. But suddenly, media headlines warn about the ways each could rewire the patterns of daily life.
Now more than ever, we must thoughtfully consider how today’s decisions lay the foundation for tomorrow’s reality – in ways both good and bad.
That’s why the theme of this Annual Report is “Framing the Future.” In it, you will find stories about groundbreaking initiatives and innovative leaders at work among our many grantees. With foresight and boldness, they are forging new ideas to improve health, support families, reform education and boost rural communities and churches.
We will spotlight visionaries such as Dr. Douglas A. Hicks, the new president of Davidson College, an alumnus who embodies the campus’ past, present and future. We will feature forward-looking initiatives such as The Conservation Fund’s “Food and Faith” program, which harnesses churches to plug gaps in rural food systems by growing fresh food, teaching healthy cooking and eating, and supporting local farmers. And we’ll examine a promising new paradigm in which health care providers reach underserved children by bringing preventative services and care onto school campuses.
This is a pivotal moment for the Endowment. As 2022 drew to a close, we celebrated the steadfast leadership of Minor Shaw, who retired as Board Chair after a decade of loyal and distinguished service. In 2024, The Duke Endowment will celebrate its centennial. For 100 years, we have been executing the vision James B. Duke laid out in his 1924 Indenture of Trust, which positioned the Endowment as a philanthropic catalyst for improving lives in North Carolina and South Carolina.
To that end, we are always looking for fresh perspectives, new solutions – and even lessons we can learn from our failures. As we prepare to enter our second century of service, we invite you to join us in seeking ways to frame a better future for the Carolinas.

Grantee Stories
Our decisions today become tomorrow’s reality. James B. Duke launched his philanthropic mission in 1924, and nearly a century later it continues to improve health, advance education, support children and families, and uplift rural churches and communities. We hope these stories of our grantees’ innovative work today inspire you to see a brighter future for North Carolina and South Carolina.